In which state do you currently reside?

State is required This services not available in this state.

To verify eligibility, tell us your date of birth

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Thank you for visiting UBI Telehealth. Our products are intended only for those who are 18 years of age or older, in accordance with legal and medical guidelines. Please consult with your primary care provider for a personalized treatment plan that is both safe and effective for you. We invite you to browse our other available products, as there may be an alternative that better suits your needs.

What was your sex assigned at birth?

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Thank you for visiting UBI Telehealth. This workflow pertains to male erectile dysfunction. Please refer back to product list for women.

Are you currently pregnant or breastfeeding?

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Thank you for visiting UBI Telehealth. This product shouldn't be used if you are currently pregnant or breastfeeding. Please consult with your primary care provider for a personalized treatment plan that is both safe and effective for you. We invite you to browse our other available products, as there may be an alternative that better suits your needs.

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